Are You Suffering in Silence?

- and what you can do about your problem contracts!

Nearly all disputes are resolved with negotiation – including over 90% of legal actions where the parties do not progress through a full hearing to a judgement, and the litigants end their struggles through a negotiated settlement.

Contrary to what most people think, it isn't necessary to hire an attorney or resort to legal action to break or renegotiate a contract.

Although it is better to negotiate a good agreement the first time around than face fighting a bad one when you're already on the back foot and facing losses, no matter what your situation, there are always options to explore.

‘How To Break (or renegotiate) ANY Contract’ shows you how to effectively challenge any contractual agreement.

Even if you're a 'David' and going up against a 'Goliath' who may have an army of lawyers and professional advisors behind them,   Simon Kennedy Rose reveals what professional consultant negotiators successfully do for their clients, and how you can apply the same principles and processes to your own agreements and dealings, alleviating your 'contractual angst'.

Who are ShelterBOX

ShelterBOX is a rapid response provider of emergency shelter and life-saving supplies for families around the world who through no fault of their own have lost everything in natural disasters, including their homes.

How ShelterBOX operates

Since its inception in the UK a little over ten years ago (when it was proposed by a Royal Navy search and rescue diver at his Rotary Club meeting) ShelterBOX has grown and has affiliates in over 20 countries who have responded to natural disasters in over 75 countries; helping well over a million people in their time of need.

Our Promise

50% of author royalties when you buy a copy of ‘How to Break (or renegotiate) ANY Contract’
are donated to ShelterBOX; comforting and assisting others as we are helping ourselves.

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